Preventing Homicides

Episode 4 May 13, 2020 00:34:38
Preventing Homicides
Impact Conversations with Dawn Manske
Preventing Homicides

May 13 2020 | 00:34:38


Show Notes

Meet Tracy Schott, creator of Voices4Change, which is a grassroots organization that provides training and networking for professionals in the field as well as discussion and tools online to help survivors of intimate partner abuse. Tracy is also the filmmaker and director of Finding Jenn’s Voice. In our discussion with her, she goes behind the scenes about this award-winning documentary film featuring the true story of Jenn, a pregnant victim of intimate partner homicide. It examines the risks of homicide during pregnancy and explores the nature of abusive relationships by looking beyond the black eye. 

Until the end of May 2020, you can stream Finding Jenn’s Voice on FOR FREE to help victims and everyone else during this difficult time. Take advantage of this opportunity to educate yourself about this issue and be a voice for change. 

Inspired to learn more? Don’t miss a single episode of Impact Conversations. Subscribe to the podcast, join the conversation and donate to our cause at

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